New developments are happening as my work is evolving. A shoulder injury a few months ago has put the massage work on hold and redirected me into focusing on my energy work. I am now offering Reiki and energy work via phone or Skype to facilitate deep healing of body, mind, and spirit.
I am also in the process of developing a program for people with cancer and other chronic diseases to empower them in their inner healing. Stay tuned for more details!
Nature gave me a reprieve when I thought I wouldn't be able to participate at Earth Day when I strained my back three days before the event. Due to rain, Earth Day Festival has been rescheduled for Sunday May 7. This has also enabled the organizers to expand the hours to go from 11 am to 9 pm. And I'm happy to say I will be there as planned for mini sessions of my healing work. Access Bars New Date May 21 I also had to postpone my Access Bars class due to my back episode- perhaps to your good fortune as it is not too late to sign up! I was able to accommodate those already enrolled moving the date to Sunday, May 21.
As they say, everything happens for a reason. Could your need for this class be the reason? Maui's Earth Day Festival was looking forward to its 20th event this year when at the last minute, the venue fell through. The organizers felt that it was too late to find a new place but a friend was determined to make this beloved community event happen. When there is a block in the road, one can either resign themselves to defeat or ask "What else is possible?" and be open to what can show up. Long story short, a new venue was found, and Earth Day Festival is happening this year! Come join in the fun! I will be there offering mini sessions of Access Bars, Reiki, and foot reflexology and, in honor of Earth Day, a special hands on Access process called Restoration of Communion with Earth. There will be everything to celebrate our beautiful Earth-- live music, food, arts and crafts, environmental organizations, health practitioners, keiki activities, and more! Science is now discovering that the lame can walk again after all. Who would have thought? And so what else is possible? ![]() What seemingly insurmountable limitations in your life could you break through? A little over two years ago I was very stuck in my life feeling much like a mental cripple, very depressed and frustrated that my dreams felt out of reach. Inwardly I prayed for direction, asking what else could be possible? I would not have believed possible all the change and growth that has happened in my life since that one little request of the Universe, which led me to discover Access Consciousness, a dynamic set of tools and techniques to dissolve beliefs and emotions that keep us stuck in limitation. The gifts that have shown up in my life since starting with Access Consciousness are numerous - new interests, beautiful friendships, a renewed sense of wonder, purpose, and the ability to once again have dreams and to actualize them. And it all came from following where that simple question led me, which happens to be an Access tool. I have not found anything else this powerful, that works this quickly, this deeply, this thoroughly, with such ease, as Access Consciousness, to enable me to let go of the "stuff" to show up as truly me, and to be able to contribute more to the world. Questions like "What else is possible?" are the foundation of Access Consciousness. In retrospect, in those occasions in my life where I asked open ended questions like these, amazing things I wouldn't have thought of showed up for me, including nice places to live, my spiritual path, and my career in bodywork. Now I use these questions every day to continually invite new possibilities. I jumped into my first Access class, the Access Bars certification class, with no prior experience, all on faith in the nudge I followed that told me I must do this. So you don't have to jump in all at once (unless that would be more fun for you) to find out what it's about because I am offering a free introduction to give you the opportunity to play with the Bars (the light hands on technique to release limiting patterns) and the processes of Access Consciousness to see for yourself. Could this be the place your question has led you to? Come and find out on Tuesday January 24, 7 to 8 pm, for a free Access Bars Intro and discover what possibilities await you. Book a private Access Bars session with Rita - call 808-633-1497. Learn more about Access Bars. And if you'd like more, come for A Taste of Out of the Box, Sunday January 29 from 1 to 4 pm. Pick up some dynamic tools to get you out of the box of your limitations and into creating the life you truly desire. If you could BE anything, what would you be? If you could CREATE anything, what would you create? For more information on A Taste of Out of the Box and the Access Bars Intro and to register, go here. And stay tuned for when the next Access Bars class will be. What if you being you is the greatest contribution you can be? Blessings be, Rita I was driving home the other day when out of the blue an old familiar self-defeating feeling came over me. It was a feeling I have carried from as long as I can remember. I had identified with it for so long it felt like a part of who I am. The thought occurred to me to ask - "Who does this belong to?" - and instantly that heavy feeling lifted. Asking that simple question that day gave me the ability to "disown" the feeling and "return it to sender." That feeling no longer owns me. Believe it or not, most of the stuff we carry inside doesn't belong to us. Some we took on maybe just an hour ago, or a minute ago. A lot we've carried for years; a lot comes from childhood. We pick it up like a sponge from everywhere - from our parents to other shoppers in the grocery store to people we've never met. So how much of other people's thoughts, feelings and emotions have you taken on and let them define you and your reality? Way more than you would think. Rather than frighten you, this is a great cause for relief, because this awareness creates tremendous freedom. And all it takes is asking a simple question. The question "Who does this belong to?" is one of the many tools of Access Consciousness that you can use every day to shift your reality out of the box of unquestioned conclusions and limitations to an expansive reality of joy and ease. I would love so much to share these tools with you. Please join me in this special class I'm offering to take these tools home with you. What could your life be like if you did? A Taste of Out of the Box - Sun. Jan 15 1-4:30 pm in Kihei |
Rita Massey
Stay informed of classes and events!