Did you know gratitude is good for your health? Probably you've believed so but the news is that there are now scientific studies that support it and give us an inkling how. The feeling of gratitude stimulates the production and release of a “neurotransmitter cocktail” of serotonin and dopamine that make you feel good. At the same time it reduces stress hormones.
This results in better sleep, mental concentration, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and improved kidney function. Hmm… in Chinese medicine the kidneys correlate with the emotion of fear. The research has shown that people who practice gratitude tend to take better care of themselves. They exercise more and eat more balanced diets. Practicing gratitude stimulates the development of a particular cortex of the brain associated with positive thoughts and well being. Practicing gratitude then creates a habit of gratitude that gets literally hardwired into your brain. So practice gratitude not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day for your health and happiness! Happy Thanksgiving!
Rita Massey
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